
Showing posts from November, 2022

Introduction to Computer and History Of Computer

  What is a Computer? A computer is an electronic machine that collects information, stores it, processes it according to user instructions, and then returns the result. A computer is a programmable electronic device that performs arithmetic and logical operations automatically using a set of instructions provided by the user. Early Computing Devices People used sticks, stones, and bones as counting tools before computers were invented. More computing devices were produced as technology advanced and the human intellect improved over time. Let us look at a few of the early-age computing devices used by mankind. Abacus Abacus was invented by the Chinese around 4000 years ago. It’s a wooden rack with metal rods with beads attached to them. The abacus operator moves the beads according to certain guidelines to complete arithmetic computations. Napier’s Bone John Napier devised Napier’s Bones, a manually operated calculating apparatus. For calculating, this instrument used 9 separate ivory